So Called projects going on
Here a few pics of my progress on the So Called Scarf. I must say that I fell in love with this pattern. It's easier and faster that I thought. I have to really thanks heyjulie95 for her really helpful video tutorial, especially for suggesting an alternative way to realize the crossed stitch on the right side. Now I'm thinking about realizing my own video for those among us who knit the English way (as opposite to the "Continental" way).
Anyway the scarf is progressing well, thanks to circular needles I knit on the bus, on the subway, at work, watching tv, etc... Very funny.I only have a doubt on Manos del Uruguay, it's a pretty rough wool. I hope it will soften after washing. The pattern is also pretty stiff, so the result is a quite rigid scarf. We'll see when it's finished and washed, I'm pretty sure this wool and pattern would be perfect for a purse. I'll do it maybe after I've finished this one.
I also progressed a bit on Hairpin Lace, the tool is amazing. I'm thinking, though, that maybe it's more fun with a thicker yarn. I want to try it also with very thin mohair and see what it looks like. Vik, don't worry your hairpin lace scarves are on the go! :-)
Manos del Uruguay IMHO needs to be knitted at a fairly loose gauge. In my experience it softens up beautyfully after a couple of washes, but it's prone to felting too, so wash gently and knit loose. maybe you may consider frogging and going up a size or two... (Per inciso, mi snto un po' fessa a rispondere in inglese a un post in inglese di una romana che abita a Milano.)
Infatti puoi tranquillamente scrivere in italiano! ahahah si penso che tu abbia ragione. Io sto seguendo i ferri consigliati dal pattern, ma ora che sono a metà mi rendo conto che 1-2 misure in più di ferri non avrebbero fatto male. Vabeh lo laverò a mano col perlana e vedremo che effetto fa...
e allora anch'io vado sul sicuro con l'italiano! (almeno lo spero)
volevo solo farti vedere questa sciarpa fatta con mohair forcellato!
Grazie mille! Bellissima e mi hai tolto una curiosità. Ho sempre quei gomitoli di mohair che non so come usare e uno scialle così mi pare una bellissima idea!!
Sì, ma il problema è che stavo già pensando in inglese: avrei dovuto tradurre dall'inglese all'italiano.
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