Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My So Called Scarf, finished!

I did it! I loved this pattern, it's amazing, a joy to knit, never boring and the results are gorgeous.

I was so pleased by knitting this that I've immediately started a new project, the Foliage Hat by Emilee Mooney on Knitty. I'm doing it in Mondial Extrafine Merino (Color 629) so I will have to adapt it a bit to this yarn. I hope I won't run out of yarn at the end. So far is a bit of a challenge and I'm really liking it. It's my first knitted hat on dnps, and I'm addicted to it. I wish I could bring it in the subway with me, but dpns aren't exactly easy to use in a crowded wagon ;-)


Alice Twain said...


knitaly said...

Bellissimi questi lavori!

zrinka said...

Bello il cappello!
Piacerebbe anche a me farlo, dopo aver semi-copiato la tua sciarpa (sai che ho dovuto spiegare ed insegnare il punto ad una americana,sabato pomeriggio?!? Non ti dico l'imbarazzo!! Ho un inglese pessimo!!!!!).
Mi traduci le istruzioni in italiano?
Buon halloween a te e alla Valda!!!
e anche alle micie :o)

Justine said...

Cinzia te le traduco senza problemi!! Solo non posso pubblicarle per ragioni di copyright, tu hai la mia mail?

Cristiana, Grazie! Voi siete una fonte inesauribile di stimoli! :-)

LG said...

Beautiful! Definitely in my waiting list!
Happy Halloween! Boo Boo!

zrinka said...

Io ndetto scherzavo ... ma se me le traduci senza problemi, bhe ... allora approfitto :o)
E buon fine settimana

PippaW said...

Zrinka appena ho un attimo mi metto a tradurlo e te lo mando :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello, I came to this blog while looking for hairpin lace postings or patterns. I saw you made the so called scarf. It is amazing, I made the same scarf last year, in a yarn that looks almost the same as yours. I live in Belgium, Europe, and bought 2 skeins of a very cheap yarn of a local brand. It looks nearly the same as yours. Can I add a picture? or try these 2 links to view my scarf:


I am not shure if these 2 links will work?!

PippaW said...

Hi Marina! Your scarf is beautiful!! Where do you live in Belgium? I'll come to visit Brussels one of these days.

I hope you found what you were looking for on hairpin lace I havent used it a lot yet.

Thanks for stepping by!