Yesterday I went to the first Fall Stitch & Bitch in Milan. It was so nice to see all the girls again. I was very happy to be able to say goodbye to Ingrid, who is about to leave to the other side of the world, and to chat with Typesetter (who was wearing a desirable 2 colors sweater she made, SO nice), Pm10, Zrinka and many new lovely knitters.
We talked about new projects, admired Ingrid's just-made brand new Urchin hat (published by just the day before and already finished and wonderful) that she made with a delicious yellow-brown shade of Manos-like wool. Adorable, we all wanted one!
As we chatted about summer holidays and finished projects, they all agreed that I'm a lazy lousy crocheter that has too many things going on and who hasn't finished one in months. I felt a bit ashamed (but mostly giggled) and I made a promise to Susan: I commit to finish at least 2 projects before the end of the month. Mark my words: I WILL DO IT.
After a quick look to my unfinished works gallery, I chose the (in)famous Brea Bag, almost done since June, and the Chanson Poncho, which is pretty fast and easy to do (if only I didn't have to unravel 1 kg of black cotton yarn before I could start). The poncho yarn, by the way, is starting to be full of Valda's hair, but Ingrid says that's not too bad, in ancient times dog's hair was mixed with wool on purpose to make it warmer during winter. Good news.
Ingrid is not only wise and fast she is also incredibly sweet. She brought me a present from Estonia, a fascinating tool that I foresee will give me infinite pleasure during winter evenings at home. The Netting Fork, to be used with crochet hook. I'm so intrigued and pleased by the thought of learning a new technique, and I'm seriously tempted by trying it right now. BUT I made a promise, no new projects until I finish something. So I better hurry up, and after I'm done with the "knitting for the homeless" scarves I'll jump on the netting fork! Can't wait!! Thank you Ingrid, have a nice trip!!!