Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Header

As you can see I have changed Cloudy Crochet's header. I have been working on this all morning, but I have to say I'm not 100% satisfied. I think I'll go on trying different headers in the next days! ;-)
Here are different headers I've been tying, I guess now I am satisfied with this one...


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just wanted to make sure you're aware that your blog is in the queue for the Fiber Arts Bloggers ring, because you don't have any code up. I just sent you the code again--please let me know if you don't get it? I'd love to get you back in the ring. :)

Pam said...

I love the new header! It is so whimsical and colorful, absolutely adorable!

PippaW said...

Thank you Pam! You are always supportive and nice :-D

Joni how come I forgot to put the code on? I'll check my e-mail immediately!!

Alessia said...

I like the new header! How did you do it?

Ho notato il mio blog tra i tuoi link... ne sono felicissima! Grazie, è molto carino così!

PippaW said...

Ferri e Gomitoli è diventato subito un mio blog di riferimento! E ringrazio io te per il link al mio blog , ne sono commossa.

L'header ho fatto con Fireworks, a dirla tutta mi ha aiutato parecchio mia sorella, che è bravissima. Lo sfondo knittato e i fiori sono suoi :-)