Home Made Stitch Markers
Sometimes watching the pics of my friends works-in-progress I see really beautiful and precious stitch markers, so I decided to try doing some myself.You have to understand that I'm not really good with tools, and I've never made jewelry myself, but I really wanted some beautiful markers. So I looked for a store in Milan specialized in do-it-yourself jewelry, I tried to explain what I wanted to a perplexed clerk and went home.
With a clasp and a wire cutter I tried assembling the markers... And a bit clumsily I did those. What you think? They aren't too bad after all, actually I pretty proud and I find them really pretty ;-)
I love them! How do you clasp them onto the yarn? I am new at knitting and have used safety pins which are a nighmare to remove... I would love to make some of these little jewels but can't figure out how to remove them once you have finished needing them to mark your place!
...ma sono bellissimi!
Mi piacciono molto i quattro blu.
Scommetto che li userai per la tua Clapotis... ;))
I can´t believe those are the first ones you do! They look very pretty, Justine! I´ve never tried (yet).
Non posso che associarmi ai complimenti dell altre ... perchè sono veramente belli!!!
Brava! Brava! Brava!!
Ma non è che c'è sotto lo zampino della Valda?
Il prossimo S&B, se vieni, porti il materiale così mi insegni come si fanno?
Leslie, thanks! I actually slide them from one needle to another on every row. I use them to mark as eg. when to increase/decrease on each round. They they never stay on the knitted yarn, but always on needles. You see what I mean?
Thank you Vik, I bet you would do very pretty stitch markers! :-)
Cara Alessia l'idea era quella solo che per il Calpotis ne servono 18!!!
Zrinka sono stupita anche io, evidentemente è facile. Se riesco a ricomprare il necessario ti faccio vedere, in ogni caso li porto (così vedi che da vicino non sono fatti benissimo ;-) p.s. valda ovviamente ha aiutato con le sua zampette pelose!
I love them! I made some for my mother which is how I got into knitting in the first place. Now I can't get enough of stitch markers, knitting and crochet!
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