My first S'n'B, finally
Yesterday I made it, I went to the Stitch 'n' Bitch in Milan. In the lovely surroundings of the Fiat Cafè in la Triennale, Milan's design museum, we chatted and knitted. I had a great time with Typesetter, Ing. and Pm10, and I was really glad to finally meet them. We even had a super special guest, Ingrid's little girl, Anke Leen. She is a great little crocheter and made a lovely mini blanket for her doll.
Ing. finished her marvelous Forecast sweater, Typesetter advanced in her revisited summer top, Susan finished her *adorable* crocheted hat (I am totally partial ;-) and me? I made 2 rows of Brea Bag and one row of my crocheted blanket.
The rest of the time we obviously chatted and compared our different ways of knitting and crocheting. I didn't know there were so many ways of achieving the same results! So Fascinating!
I didn't even know that it was physically possible to knit at Ing's super speed. This girl is a real serial knitter, no wonders it takes her only one week to finish a sweater!!! I am impressed and totally envious :-D
Great day so, and I look forward to the next meeting!
Very cute pictures :)
My daughter's name is Anke Leen :)
Thank you Ingrid, I'll correct it immediately! :-D
Hi Justine! Happy to know you had such a great time in Milan! Is nice to meet other knitters, isnt it?
Olè! una foto in cui mi infilo un dito in un occhio è sempre benvenuta!
A pic where I stick a finger in my eye is always welcome!
HAHAHAHAHAH ho messo quella perché è l'unica che avevo ahah piango se me ne mandi una te la ca,bio per quanto si vede benissimo il tuo top arancione in fieri ;-)
I put this pic because is the only one I got, at leat you can clearly see the pretty orange top you are working ;-)
Ciao Justine.
Sto finendo una copertina per la mia nipotina (nascerà tra un paio di settimane) ... mi manca solamente il bordo. Vorrei fare qualcosa all'uncinetto, ma, purtroppo, tutto il materiale in mio possesso sull'argomento è già in qualche scatolone, pronto per il trasloco. Sai suggerirmi qualcosa di carino ma non troppo complicato (considerando che non sono un'esperta e che non ho troppo tempo a disposizione)? Grazie davvero!
Ciao Zrinka,
prova a dare un'occhiata a questa pagina di Crochet Pattern Central ci sono decine di bordi per ogni difficoltà. Per esempio gli ultimi 3 rows di questo mi sembrano carini, oppure questo qui.
Se hai bisogno sono qui!! :-)
oh, I am about to visit Milan, Sunday in fact, for one week! i would have loved to have met up with you. Where do you get yarn from in Milan? Are there any shops I could visit?
Hi, picperfic. you can find a list of yarn shops in Milan, from my blog
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