Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fashion crochet time

Here we are, it's Fashion week in Milan and there it is, the first crochet dress of the next Summer 2012. Love it or hate it?
Alberta Ferretti SS 2012


  1. Hi,
    I just discovered your blog & I am now a follower :). Have to say I love this dress...I'm useless when it comes to fashion, utterly useless, but I'm loving the shake & especially the colour.

  2. Hi Ali! First of all thanks for following me :D
    I love the color too, I'm fond of green and it seems we will have a lot of it next summer! :)

  3. Love it! Would probably benefit from a lining underneath though, i think there would be a few odd looks if everybody started walking around with their whatnots on show! Lovely blog xox

  4. Hannah you are absolutely right, lining is the least that it needs ;))

  5. nice blog and great dress!!
