Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Yarn Addiction

How is that possible that every time I cross a yarn store, offline and online, I cannot refrain from buying loads of yarn? I don't even have space in my house for all those yarn balls!! Someone help me!

Are you like me too?


  1. That is funny because my girls just asked me the SAME question the other day: "Mommy, why do you always buy yarn??"

  2. LOL! It's addictive isn't it? You never have enough yarn around ;))

  3. Totally - I love the opening of the bag/box it arrives in. Seeing how different the colours are and how it feels!

  4. when I come back home with balls of wool my husband and my Mummy always tell me 'Your famiy should run out ho the house if you don't stop buying yarn!'
    I cannot stop...I'm so happy when I look at all the colours I have in my little working room!

  5. I am the same way!! I love yarn and it can be squeezed intogood hiding spaces if needed.

  6. I always say that I need a support group. "Yarn, I wish I could quit you!" :). I feel your pain, it's good pain though. Click on my name to see the blog entry I wrote back in '08 about my yarn issue! Have a wonderful weekend!
