Thursday, July 12, 2007

I've got an award!

How cool is that?! Vik, the sweetest knitter-blogger ever, gave me a Thinking Blogger Award! Ain't that a nice thought?

I must apologize with all my knitting/crocheting blog friends for disappearing a bit lately. I'm tremendously tense because of my job. Hopefully I'll have a week holiday in 10 days and I promise I'll step by all my favorite blogs and say hi! :-)


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Conrats Justine! And sorry to hear about your job, they can be stressful. Do lots of knitting therapy!

  2. Thanks Sue!! I'm actually knittig a lot to keep stress away. I've restarted the pink poncho, it's getting better now. As you said, sometimes is better to try a fresh start! :-)))

  3. Very Cool Award!
